London’s Scooter Caffè

After our stroll on the South Bank boardwalk, my friends and I stumbled upon kiosks of books under the Waterloo Bridge. It was the perfect timing with the sudden, but expected, rain that started. I watched the dark cloud above our heads, seeing a faded glimpse of the sun’s rays around it as the cloud... Continue Reading →

Seoul’s Café-Hopping Musts

Korea really knows how to make café-hopping exciting. At the end of February and beginning of March, when COVID 19 peaked here in South Korea, I decided to visit some of the most aesthetically pleasing coffee shops in Seoul. There are obviously the small gems outside of the capital city, but here I will talk... Continue Reading →

A Little Serenity

In South Korea, the situation with the Corona virus has escalated to the closure of public schools as well as hagwons (private schools), where I teach. When my coworkers and I heard the news two weeks ago, that we didn’t have to go into work that day, I followed some of them to the Art... Continue Reading →

Finding Your Regular

South Korea has blessed me with an abundance of coffee shops to my heart’s content. Having been here for less than four weeks, I try to find a sense of routine in this unfamiliar environment. Somehow, for me, the best way to feel a little more at home is to have a place to go... Continue Reading →

Montreal Cafés Pt. 2

Since my last Montreal Cafés piece, I've been compiling more cute spots to add to the list. Here are five discoveries from this summer that should definitely be pitstop! La Croissanterie Figaro — Fairmont Avenue (Outremont) My best friend introduced me to this café this summer for my birthday. Just at the border of Outremont and Mile End... Continue Reading →

Montreal’s Cafés

Montreal has many quaint cafés to pick from if you want to relax from your exploring. Here are a few that I was lucky to stumble upon. No matter where you are in the city, there’ll be a café just for you. Café Expressions—Mont-Royal Ave. (Plateau) If you’re wandering in the Plateau Mont-Royal, maybe after... Continue Reading →

A Piece of Paris

To kick off the summer break, my friend introduced me to le Duc de Lorraine. Nestled in the Côte-des-Neiges borough of Montreal, this little café truly embodies the Parisian ambience. With delicious pastries and French waiters, it really felt like I was taking my café latté by the Seine. The view from Duc de Lorraine... Continue Reading →

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